Sunday, November 28, 2010

Holiday leftover Brunch!

Sunday brunches are just a few of my all time faves. This morning (or shall I say this afternoon) I thought we were long overdue for a Sunday brunch. And, I just happened to have a few leftovers that needed to be eaten up.

I love doing brunch in the oven, it's so easy and it left time for enjoying the last of our Costa Rican coffee. I usually start with the potatoes, which is just a mix of whatever I have. Today I happened to have 1/2 a bell pepper, 1/2 an onion a couple red potatoes and one sweet potato. I decided to be completely evil and toss them with an olive oil/bacon grease mix (just a tiny bit gives them that little bit of bacon flavor :-), sprinkle with sea salt and parsley and roast at 400° for about 40 minutes, or until they are crispy.

Meanwhile, you can start your frittata.  I used the leftover ham my mother-in-law had sent us home with, some 12 month aged Manchego (which I might add was simply divine) and some roasted baby heirloom tomatoes. Frittatas are so easy, and you can use what ever veggies/cheeses you have on hand. Just sauté the veggies a bit, then pour over a few beaten eggs, top with cheese and bake in a 400° oven for about 15-20 mins, or until light and fluffy.

Today it was all about easy, so I decided to do the toast in the oven as well. I buttered it first and just stuck it in the oven with everything else. OMG, it was the best! It stayed light on the inside and was nice and crispy on the outside.

Oven brunches are very forgiving but usually everything ends up working out to were it's all done at the same time!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Whole Grain Heaven!

I discovered a new fave this weekend while visiting my cousin this weekend in Portland, Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Store. I had heard of and actually used some of Bob's whole grain products before, but I didn't realize that the company was located here in the Northwest. We originally planned on going there for lunch, but got delayed and missed out since the restaurant closes at 3pm. We decided to go to the store anyway.

I had no idea Bob had such a variety of whole grain foods. They carry pretty much every grain you can think of, either pre-packed, or in bulk. I opted for the bulk as it's considerably lower in price.  My husband and I bought everything from quinoa to warm cereal blends to nuts and lentils. And, I can't  forget about the amazing pre-baked corn muffins that are to die for.

Bob's Red Mill store also carries a vast array of gluten-free items, baking items, including specialty bread making tools, pans and baskets. They even have a file cabinet in the back filled with all of Bob's recipes for you to take as you please.

Needless to say, I was in heaven! My husband and I walked out of there with a full bag of grains, nuts and baked goods for only $14, and NO tax, since it was Oregon :-)  If you're ever  near Portland or Milwaukie, Oregon stop by for a visit, you won't be sorry!

Here is a link to the Bob's Red Mill website where you read about all of their great products, their employee-owned company, or find recipes:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tomato Vinegrette

Last night while preparing dinner I realized I had an abundance of ripe tomatoes that needed to be eaten. Of course, tomato salad didn't necessarily go with the main dish (stuffed bell peppers) so, I thought why not make a tomato vinegrette? I wasn't quite sure how this was going to turn out as I did it on a whim (like most recipes). I started tossing ingredients into the food processor and blending away. A few tastes and additional ingredients later I ended up with what I thought was pretty darn tasty. I whipped up a quick Euro green salad with toasted walnuts and voila!

Tomato Vinegrette Recipe:

1 cup ripe tomatoes* (cut in med. pieces)
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. dried ground mustard
1 tsp. agave (or 1 pkg. sweetener or 1 tsp. sugar)
salt & pepper to taste

Place everything except olive oil into food processor or blender and blend. Once everything is combined slowly drizzle in the olive oil while pulsing.

Dressing can be used immediately or refrigerated for a couple days. Enjoy!

*Note: if you have time to roast the tomatoes prior to making the dressing I'm sure it would taste even better.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Scentsy stripped the smell!

I absolutely LOVE our condo but a few weeks ago I noticed the bathroom seemed to always have a slight odor. Of course, I'm the only one who noticed it, probably because I was blessed with my Mom's ultra sensitive nose :( It's mold-free and I am a clean freak so after weeks of pondering we came to the conclusion that it's probably the fact that the bathroom is a very long narrow space with no windows.

While chatting with my sister, who just by chance had started distributing a product called Scentsy I mentioned the odor. She suggested I try a Scentsy in the bathroom. They are these neat little plug in lights that sort of look like a night lights only they have a little dish at the top that holds a wax scent. The scents come in cubes that melt down and release fragrance. The light bulb is a safe way to ensure nothing is at risk of catching fire, unlike other types of fragrance burners. The temperature of the melted fragrance is low enough that if you, your children or a pet accidentally comes in contact with it it won't harm you. My sister mailed me two different sizes as a gift, a large one for the kitchen, which I can't wait to put to use and a smaller one pictured above, which I might add  is working wonders for the bathroom smell!

Scentsys come in a variety of sizes, styles and fragrances. To read more about scentsy or to order visit:

P.S. I forgot to mention how cool they look in the dark!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shrimp Tacos with Mango Salsa

I promised a friend I would post the recipe for my Mango Salsa. I created this recipe one day on a whim, I thought hmm…I have a ripe mango, ripe tomatoes and a ripe avocado and I just happen to have some shrimp in the freezer. I knew the flavors would be harmonious.

You can serve the salsa with tortilla chips, but I highly recommend you try the shrimp tacos. They are pretty low in fat and very light but, spicy enough to serve with a red wine if you like.

I just sort of winged the marinade for the shrimp so you can adjust accordingly depending on how many tacos you are making. I allow about 2-3 medium sized shrimp per taco.

Shrimp Marinade:
Olive Oil
Chili Powder
Chili Flakes
Garlic powder
Lime Zest (save the lime, you'll need it for the salsa recipe)
Salt (to taste)

Place all ingredients in bowl mix with raw shrimp and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Cook on medium to medium high heat on a grill or on a grill pan for about 3 mins per side.

Note: if you are grilling on an outdoor grill you should put the shrimp on skewers.

Mango Salsa
1 ripe Mango (chopped)
1 ripe Tomato (chopped)
1 ripe Avocado (cut in chunks)
1/4 cup chopped Purple Onion
1 Serrano Chili (minced)
2 cloves of Garlic (minced, you can use one if you're not a big garlic fan)
1/2 a bunch of Cilantro (chopped)
juice of one Lime
1/2 tsp. Cumin
Salt & Pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl except avocado. Once everything is incorporated, taste for salt & pepper then lightly stir in the avocado. I found that if you mix in the avocado last it doesn't get too mushy.

Now, to assemble the tacos. You can use steamed corn tortillas, but I like to brush them lightly with vegetable oil and bake them for a few minutes so they are lightly crisp and hold up better.

Top the tortillas with the grilled shrimp (I like to cut it up a bit first), a big pile of mango salsa and some finely shredded red cabbage for a little crunch. Olé, now sit back and enjoy with a nice red or white wine, or a cold beer!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

It's DAD's turn…

Tomorrow is Father's Day, while my family will be celebrating with a traditional Father's day BBQ in sunny SoCal, I'll be thinking of my father and how much he means to me in gloomy Seattle (insert sad face here).

I love my Dad and I find as I get older I miss him more. I miss his humor, his wisdom, his never ending supply of stories and most of all his incredible smile. I won't go on an on as my Dad isn't an overly emotional person, but I love you Dad and I hope you have a wonderful day you deserve it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Tribute to Mom

Inspiring, devoted and persevering are but a few words that describe my Mom. Since I was a little girl my Mom has always put me, my 4 siblings and my Dad first. Even while working full time she managed to always be there for us, instilling values, preparing home-cooked dinners and keeping a warm, inviting home.

When my Mom suffered from a heart attack many years ago my family feared we might lose her. It was her strength, and love for her family & life that put her on a path to a healthy lifestyle. I remember thinking my Mom was one of the strongest women I knew back then. But, only three years ago she proved how much stronger she actually is. She had to have one of her legs amputated due to bad circulation and diabetes. Knowing how active my Mom was we all knew this would be very hard on her. With time, therapy and determination she learned to walk on her prosthesis and was leading a semi-normal lifestyle in just one year.

Then, only a year after her first amputation my family learned she had to have her second leg amputated. It was devastating to say the least. She struggled with the loss, but never once complained. It took her a long time to do the simple mundane things we all take for granted everyday but, she worked hard and is a very determined individual.

I am happy to say on my trip to San Diego this month she was able to walk on both prosthesis. My Mom has truly been an inspiration to our family and friends and I am so proud of her. Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 tell

In the midst of packing up my work materials for my trip to San Diego I noticed that the pencil leads in my Pentel Twist-Erase mechanical pencils needed to be replaced. I quickly reloaded the lead and the eraser tips since those were pretty much wiped out as well.

It was while I was replenishing them that I realized I've had these same two mechanical pencils for about 5 years. Of course, it is only with intense safeguarding over the years that I still have them. Many co-workers  throughout the years had tried to waltz off them, but I was quick to retrieve my coveted pencils.

I was taken with the Pentel Twist-Erase mechanical pencils from the moment I used my first one. Not only is the grip oh so soft and comfortable but it is latex-free. It is so easy to refill the lead and let's not forget the refillable eraser. I can't tell you how many refillable pencils I'd tried prior to the Pentel that didn't have eraser refills. As if we need to add more to the landfills.

The Pentel Twist-Erase mechanical pencils range anywhere from $3.54-$5.25 depending on where you purchase them. I purchased mine in a two pack at Staples. To read more about Pentel's Twist-Erase or to purchase visit:

I was excited to see how many more colors are available now. Of course, I'm hoping I won't need to purchase new ones for at least another five years!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nuts about CB's peanuts

Jumbo in-shell peanuts and sea salt are the only ingredients in CB's small batch roasted peanuts. Maybe that's why they are so good and so addicting!

I had seen CB's peanuts at a local market and I have to confess, being a graphic designer it was the packaging that first caught my eye. I love the rustic peanut logo and I'm always a sucker for kraft packaging.

I'd never really been a big fan of shelling peanuts but while my Mom-in-law and I were out running errands in Kingston one day I noticed the CB peanuts store. I quickly turned on my blinker and whipped into the tiny parking lot. The store is very small, but the people are very knowledgeable and friendly. They also let you try the various nuts and organic peanut butter. After sampling the various nuts I immediately fell in love with the "robust" roasted variety. They are the same delicious peanuts, only they roast them a bit longer. The extra roasting gives them a more toasty, "robust" earthy flavor which I can only imagine would be amazing sprinkled on top of a scoop of vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce.

CB's nuts not only taste good, they are good for you. They are naturally cholesterol-free and high in good fats. They are pack with fiber and have one of the lowest ratings on the glycemic index, which makes them a good snack for people with diabetes. They also contain phytochemicals which are said to help protect against certain types of cancer. Peanuts are also high in protein and contain zinc and phosphorus which are good for building strong bones.

To find out more about CB's peanuts or to order them visit: Be advised, they are addicting!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crazy about cloth napkins

Let me begin by saying this is one of my favorite blogs, as I absolutely love cloth napkins. I prefer the feel of them over paper napkins and of course there is the fact that they are better for the environment. I began my napkin obsession a while back after using them on a regular basis at my mother-in-laws. She has a huge drawer filled with napkins she has collected over the years. My dream is to have a drawer filled with an array of colors and designs like hers.

You can find cloth napkins just about anywhere. I found the fabulous hand-printed organic muslin napkins on etsy (above). They are by a young artist named Katherine who offers an array of eco-friendly home decor textiles. If you are interested in purchasing the Citrus Blossom Napkins visit her store at:[]=tags&includes[]=title but you better hurry, I have a feeling these will go fast!

If you are the crafty type you may want to try making your own napkins. There are endless fabrics out there. My mother-in-law found these whimsical veggie fabrics at her local quilt shop and made my husband and I this set for Christmas. I found this great site with easy instructions on how to make your own napkins: they have great step by step photos and they even show how to make mitered corners. I can't wait to get a sewing machine!

You're never too young to start doing your part to preserve our planet. Get your kids used to using cloth napkins while they are young. Here are a couple of sites that have great napkins for kids lunch boxes: and

Once you have a nice collection of cloth napkins you'll want to show them off. And who says the napkins have to take second place to the center piece? Visit: to get step by step instructions for 27 different napkin folds. With such a variety of cloth napkins and different folds it's easy to make an ordinary meal extra special!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Zip the landfills and taxi to greener pastures...

Did you know it is estimated that each year over 500 billion plastic bags are consumed worldwide? That averages out to over 1 million per minute. Where do they all end up? Well, each year about 4 billion of them end up in the landfills. Personally I find that appalling, which is why I made the switch to wax paper bags a couple of years ago. I have since discovered "Snack Taxis"! And, although I still love and use my wax paper bags every now and then, with Snack Taxis there is literally no waste, which is much better for the environment.

The Eco-Friendly sandwich/snack sacks were created by Erin Kelley-Dill of Massachusetts, who realized that she was packing over 500 lunches a year for her family and wanted to find a replacement for all those plastic zip lock bags. She started making and selling Snack Taxis locally and now sells them nation wide.

Snack Taxis have a cotton exterior and are lined with a waterproof material that is free of lead and phthalates. They stay securely closed with a velcro closure. To clean them you can simply shake them out or wipe them with a damp cloth. If they are really messy you can soak them in the sink or toss them in the washer and let them air dry.

My most favorite part about the Snack Taxi company, aside from the fact that they are eco-friendly is that the owner is committed to keeping their business local and never outsourcing their labor. I wish more companies were like this.

To read more about Snack Taxis or purchase these great little sacks visit:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Design & Inspiration

As a graphic designer people sometimes ask where my ideas come from. The answer is easy, everywhere. I remember back in college one of my first design instructors began the class by saying that at the end of the course if we didn't walk away with a different view of life and our surroundings that he didn't do his job. His goal was that we walk away with the ability to see design in everything, from simple daily mundane items to the most elaborate things. I am happy so say he exceeded his goal as far as I was concerned. I had always been attracted to design and details, but after that class I saw the world in a completely different way. There was design in everything, whether it was deliberate, accidental or natural.

Above are a few of my latest inspirations for design,texture and materials. The first two are weaved trivets that I came across at my mother-in-law's a couple of months ago. I love the design, the weave and the colors. Since she is an artist I can always find and abundance of inspiration when visiting. The Third photo is of a bracelet I've had for years. Although the design in the center of the brass band is appealing, I think I like the combination of wood and brass the most. I also like the swirl pattern on the earring bases, not to mention the deep turquoise blue of the beads.

Speaking of color, my most favorite places to get inspiration for color palettes are nature and food (especially spices). Why spend countless hours searching through swatch books for new color palettes when you can go for a stroll through the arboretum, a hike in the mountains or peruse your local farmer's market?

Hopefully I've inspired you to be on the look out for fresh design & inspiration, after all, it's everywhere!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tangy Broccoli Salad

While I was at the market today contemplating what to make for dinner, I came across some really nice looking broccoli that was on sale. I remembered a salad I made for a picnic one day and since it had been a while I thought it was time for a repeat. I happen to love broccoli, even though it is messy, gets caught in your teeth and smells a little funky while it's cooking. Anywho, if you are a broccoli lover, or even if you're not you'll probably enjoy it prepared this way.

Tangy Broccoli Salad Recipe:

1 lb. fresh broccoli flowerets
3/4 cup sweetened dried cranberries
1/2 cup toasted sliced almonds
1/2 cup red onion, sliced thin and cut in quarters (you can sub. yellow or white)
3 slices cooked bacon, sliced in small pieces (OPTIONAL)


1/2 cup mayo
1/3 cup non-fat yogurt (you can use all mayo, but I like the tang the yogurt adds and it cuts down a little on the fat)
2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
1 Tablespoon orange zest

Blanch broccoli flowerets then immediately submerge in ice cold water until cool and strain. While it's straining mix all ingredients for the dressing.

Combine all ingredients, reserving a few of the almonds to garnish the top with. Refrigerate for at least one hour and serve.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Relief for a cough/cold

If you are part of the large majority out there who've started the new year off with a bang, I mean annoying cough/cold here are a couple of pointers that seemed to have helped my husband get through the night without waking up every half hour in a cough attack.

I'm no health expert and these are not guaranteed to work, but they are worth trying. First, rest as much as you can. While resting try and keep your upper body as erect as possible. Second, bundle up and try to stay warm. Next, try rubbing Vicks vapor rub on the bottoms of your feet and then putting on 2 pairs of warm socks (don't ask me where I got this from, probably from one of my aunts??). Also, rub some on your chest and cover it with a steamy hot towel. Re-rinse the towel when it starts to cool and repeat a few times to help with congestion.

While resting with the hot towels drink LOTS of water and alternate with hot tea and fresh lemon juice and a bit of honey.

Now, the most important thing... cough up all that yucky stuff! I actually set up a little trash bucket at my husband's night stand, this way there was no excuse not to spit it out. I know it's grouse, but your body needs to get rid of that yuck.

The whole process takes about an hour, but is well worth it. My husband finally stopped coughing enough to have some hot and spicy vegetable soup. After dinner I gave him some cough medicine and he passed out for the entire night without coughing and felt a lot better the next day.

If you aren't feeling well enough to go out, call a close friend or family member and ask them to stop by the store and pick up a few things for you. Heck, have them leave the groceries at the front door if they don't want to risk catching your cold. I'm sure the opportunity for you to return the favor will arise soon enough. If not this flu season, then probably next.