Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Relief for a cough/cold

If you are part of the large majority out there who've started the new year off with a bang, I mean annoying cough/cold here are a couple of pointers that seemed to have helped my husband get through the night without waking up every half hour in a cough attack.

I'm no health expert and these are not guaranteed to work, but they are worth trying. First, rest as much as you can. While resting try and keep your upper body as erect as possible. Second, bundle up and try to stay warm. Next, try rubbing Vicks vapor rub on the bottoms of your feet and then putting on 2 pairs of warm socks (don't ask me where I got this from, probably from one of my aunts??). Also, rub some on your chest and cover it with a steamy hot towel. Re-rinse the towel when it starts to cool and repeat a few times to help with congestion.

While resting with the hot towels drink LOTS of water and alternate with hot tea and fresh lemon juice and a bit of honey.

Now, the most important thing... cough up all that yucky stuff! I actually set up a little trash bucket at my husband's night stand, this way there was no excuse not to spit it out. I know it's grouse, but your body needs to get rid of that yuck.

The whole process takes about an hour, but is well worth it. My husband finally stopped coughing enough to have some hot and spicy vegetable soup. After dinner I gave him some cough medicine and he passed out for the entire night without coughing and felt a lot better the next day.

If you aren't feeling well enough to go out, call a close friend or family member and ask them to stop by the store and pick up a few things for you. Heck, have them leave the groceries at the front door if they don't want to risk catching your cold. I'm sure the opportunity for you to return the favor will arise soon enough. If not this flu season, then probably next.

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