Monday, November 2, 2009

Vibrant Autumn

As we are right smack in the middle of my absolute favorite season I couldn't resist posting a few of my favorite shots from our many strolls throughout town. This Fall has been extraordinarily vibrant. That being said, my camera has taken semi-permanent residence in my purse.

I've already baked three batches of pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, butternut squash ravioli and tonight I'm going to try my hand at pumpkin squash soup. Hmmm... I don't know which has more calories, the pumpkin bread or the soup. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to pick up the pace on my strolls to burn off those calories!

Seems as if I'm not the only one taking advantage of this Fall's bountiful harvest. You can pretty much spot squirrels and raccoons foraging around every corner. My husband and I spotted these little cuties on our way home the other day. They look like triplets.

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