Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Glitter and inspiration...

I have been aching to work on stationary designs lately. So, with my upcoming jewelry show I thought it would be a great time to introduce a few new designs.

These two were tied for my favorites. I've had peacocks on the brain ever since my niece decided this would be her wedding color palette. I first created the earrings which I'm secretly hoping no one purchases so I can keep them for myself ;-)

After the earrings I moved onto the card. I created the art in Adobe Illustrator, then printed it on a metallic white card stock. I was completely happy with it as it was (at least I thought). But, then I remembered I had purchased some glitter a while back and decided to try it out. Wow, I couldn't believe the difference! Needless to say I was even more pleased with the outcome. Then of course being the anal retentive designer that I am I had to find the perfect matching envelope, which I ended up making out of a metallic olive glassine paper. Together they look absolutely fabulous.

Now, onto the crow card. I don't know why, but I have always had a fondness for crows, even thought I'm not a big bird fan. I think it's the fact that they are so black they almost have an iridescence to them. Another reason is because they always show up around Fall, my favorite season. I created this first as an illustration and then recreated it in Illustrator. I printed it on a textured white cover stock and embellished it using a rhinestone for the eye and crystal glitter for snow on the branch. To add a little more punch I applied some thick clear glue to the wing which gave it a nice gloss.

If you're planning on using glitter to embellish this season I highly recommend the Martha Stewart glitters. Normally I'd shop for the best buy, but it's worth it to splurge on these. They come in a nice sturdy glass container so they won't tip over easily. All it took was one spill of the plastic bottle and I was sold. They also have twist tops with shakers which I found very convenient. For glue, the "Quickie Glue" pens are the best. They work just like a writing pen and don't clog. They run about $3 and you can usually find them at your local rubber stamp store. Happy crafting!


  1. beautiful! i love them!

    i think crows are pretty too, but i also associate them with foreboding so i always feel kind of creeped when i see one.

    i once saw peacock chargers which i bet you'd love...i'll look for them online and see if i can send you a link.

  2. Thanks! I guess I'm not the only one who is fascinated with crows, someone at a party I hosted this weekend requested some custom designed crow cards :)

    I'd love to see the peacock chargers if you find them.

    Thanks again and Happy Turkey Day!
