Thursday, February 24, 2011

Living on the Edge of Tradition

This weekend, my husband and I finally got to see the quilt my mother-in-law has been secretly working on for months. "Living on the Edge of Tradition," as she named it, is our belated wedding gift, and it couldn't be more perfect!

I love quilts - I always have.  I love the way they feel:  the fabrics, the patience and planning involved, and the various techniques of executing them. And, in today's day and age, they are no longer simply a means for keeping warm; they are works of art. So, when I first learned that Maggie was going to make a quilt for us; I was ecstatic.

 My Mother-in-law payed close attention to all of the fabrics I pointed out in her collection and made sure to incorporate each and everyone of them into "Living on the Edge…" The majority of the fabrics she used on our wall quilt are batiks, which I absolutely adore. The fabrics are a mix of natural and spice colored palettes with the exception of a couple of additional fabrics - one of which is my very favorite - the Egyptian fabric on the medallion square (above center square).

Each of the twenty squares is a different pattern; and a few are embellished with beads, crystals, buttons and pendants. My Mother-in-law, being an artist herself, knows how much I appreciate a balance of clean yet detailed design. She did a fabulous job achieving both. I could sit and admire our quilt for hours. For me, handmade quilts are one of the most precious, meaningful gifts you can receive.

Thank you so much Maggie, we love it! And , we love you!

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