Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Coveted Ceramics...

Being my first trip to the East Coast I was excited to see the Atlantic coast line. The colors of the ocean, the tide pools and the different rocks and shells (mostly snails) were amazing. I wanted to gather them all up in an L.L. Bean bag and bring them all home with me.

Fortunately, the array of potter's galleries had a variety of items that captured the colors of Maine. My most coveted piece, my Edgecomb coffee mug (center). I never thought I'd spend $40 on a single coffee mug but, when I saw it I couldn't resist. If you're a coffee lover like me the colors and design on the inside of the mug make the last sip almost pleasing ;-) My husband opted for the more colorful, larger, less expensive mug from a local Maine potter's studio.

My niece, Sorija (with Mom's help of course) wanted to purchase gifts for all of the family from one of the galleries in Old Port. She has excellent taste and a good eye for paying attention to what people like. I must have picked up the blue bowl (front) at least three times and contemplated purchasing it myself. When we got back to my Brother-in-law's we found it wrapped up on our bed. Sorija is such a sweetheart and not only will we remember that day but, her sweet gesture and her excitement as we opened it.

We had a wonderful trip and picked up the rest of our pieces at various galleries. If you're ever in the Portland Maine area and covet ceramics like I do, make sure to visit Edgcomb Potters and Maine Potters Market in Old Port. You won't be disappointed!