Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter surprises in the arboretum

After our long drive home from California my husband and I are happy to finally be home. And, although California experienced it's share of rain while we were visiting it's nice to be back to the northwest, even if it's just to experience more rain.

We had a great time visiting family and friends and gorged ourselves for two weeks straight . That being said we ready to get back to our regular diet and get some exercise. So, we decided to go for a long stroll through the arboretum. I love the arboretum, Spring and Fall are my favorite times of year. In the winter most of the foliage is dark green and the paths can be pretty muddy.

On this particular day there were a few "sucker holes" so, we got to enjoy a bit of sun on occasion and I was able to get a few shots of some unexpected surprises. Well, being that I love nature, color and texture they were surprises for me.

I'm no botanist, so the only tree I know the name of is the Chinese Red Birch, which I call "Copper Ring Trees". These are my favorite trees in the arboretum. As the bark peels off, literally in rings around the trunk it reveals this amazing deep copper color with a smooth texture. This one was exceptionally bright.

I also couldn't resist this friendly moss covered tree that looks as if it wants to reach out and shake your hand. And lastly, these caramel colored birch looking trees (I have no idea what their correct name is) looked as if they were just aching for someone to meander through them.

After seeing these photos I think I may just have to add "Winter" to my favorite seasons to stroll the arboretum!