Sunday, November 28, 2010

Holiday leftover Brunch!

Sunday brunches are just a few of my all time faves. This morning (or shall I say this afternoon) I thought we were long overdue for a Sunday brunch. And, I just happened to have a few leftovers that needed to be eaten up.

I love doing brunch in the oven, it's so easy and it left time for enjoying the last of our Costa Rican coffee. I usually start with the potatoes, which is just a mix of whatever I have. Today I happened to have 1/2 a bell pepper, 1/2 an onion a couple red potatoes and one sweet potato. I decided to be completely evil and toss them with an olive oil/bacon grease mix (just a tiny bit gives them that little bit of bacon flavor :-), sprinkle with sea salt and parsley and roast at 400° for about 40 minutes, or until they are crispy.

Meanwhile, you can start your frittata.  I used the leftover ham my mother-in-law had sent us home with, some 12 month aged Manchego (which I might add was simply divine) and some roasted baby heirloom tomatoes. Frittatas are so easy, and you can use what ever veggies/cheeses you have on hand. Just sauté the veggies a bit, then pour over a few beaten eggs, top with cheese and bake in a 400° oven for about 15-20 mins, or until light and fluffy.

Today it was all about easy, so I decided to do the toast in the oven as well. I buttered it first and just stuck it in the oven with everything else. OMG, it was the best! It stayed light on the inside and was nice and crispy on the outside.

Oven brunches are very forgiving but usually everything ends up working out to were it's all done at the same time!