Monday, October 11, 2010

Whole Grain Heaven!

I discovered a new fave this weekend while visiting my cousin this weekend in Portland, Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Store. I had heard of and actually used some of Bob's whole grain products before, but I didn't realize that the company was located here in the Northwest. We originally planned on going there for lunch, but got delayed and missed out since the restaurant closes at 3pm. We decided to go to the store anyway.

I had no idea Bob had such a variety of whole grain foods. They carry pretty much every grain you can think of, either pre-packed, or in bulk. I opted for the bulk as it's considerably lower in price.  My husband and I bought everything from quinoa to warm cereal blends to nuts and lentils. And, I can't  forget about the amazing pre-baked corn muffins that are to die for.

Bob's Red Mill store also carries a vast array of gluten-free items, baking items, including specialty bread making tools, pans and baskets. They even have a file cabinet in the back filled with all of Bob's recipes for you to take as you please.

Needless to say, I was in heaven! My husband and I walked out of there with a full bag of grains, nuts and baked goods for only $14, and NO tax, since it was Oregon :-)  If you're ever  near Portland or Milwaukie, Oregon stop by for a visit, you won't be sorry!

Here is a link to the Bob's Red Mill website where you read about all of their great products, their employee-owned company, or find recipes: