Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Tribute to Mom

Inspiring, devoted and persevering are but a few words that describe my Mom. Since I was a little girl my Mom has always put me, my 4 siblings and my Dad first. Even while working full time she managed to always be there for us, instilling values, preparing home-cooked dinners and keeping a warm, inviting home.

When my Mom suffered from a heart attack many years ago my family feared we might lose her. It was her strength, and love for her family & life that put her on a path to a healthy lifestyle. I remember thinking my Mom was one of the strongest women I knew back then. But, only three years ago she proved how much stronger she actually is. She had to have one of her legs amputated due to bad circulation and diabetes. Knowing how active my Mom was we all knew this would be very hard on her. With time, therapy and determination she learned to walk on her prosthesis and was leading a semi-normal lifestyle in just one year.

Then, only a year after her first amputation my family learned she had to have her second leg amputated. It was devastating to say the least. She struggled with the loss, but never once complained. It took her a long time to do the simple mundane things we all take for granted everyday but, she worked hard and is a very determined individual.

I am happy to say on my trip to San Diego this month she was able to walk on both prosthesis. My Mom has truly been an inspiration to our family and friends and I am so proud of her. Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you.