Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quilts, Cheeseburgers & Harps?

You may be asking what do these things have in common. Well, these are just a few of my favorite things from the Kitsap Quilters show I attended this weekend.

I've always loved quilts, I love the history behind them, the fabrics, colors, textures and new techniques that constantly arise. I love to touch them and feel the different textures of the various stitches. But, I had to refrain with all my might this weekend. These pros wouldn't appreciate 100's of grubby hands all over their fine works of art so there was a strict "No Touch" policy.

I learned about this show (as I do all quilt shows) from my wonderfully talented mother-in-law, Maggie Magee (shown above with Sarah's Quilt). She designed and pieced each square in unique patterns and angles which add to the whimsy of this quilt that I'm sure her granddaughter, Sarah is going to love. Maggie was also responsible for coordinating and coming up with the theme for this year's Challenge Quilt that was featured in the Kitsap show. She came up with the theme of Music & Song. When she first mentioned the theme I thought it sounded so interesting and knowing what fabulous work Maggie and her guild have created in the past, I was anxious to see the outcome.

Indeed, these women did not disappoint when it came to originality, composition and application. It was hard to choose, but my favorite of the Challenge Quilts was, Cheeseburger in Paradise by Laura Jacobs.

It is my favorite for many reasons, first because I love this wacky song, second, who can refuse a yummy cheeseburger with fries? Finally, the thought and creativity that went into this quilt was amazing. The photo does not give it justice. I think Jimmy Buffett himself would be proud to hang this on his wall. The artist used traditional Buffett themed fabrics. She actually hand stitched the chorus along the top and applied a tiny hammock that hung between the palm trees. But, my most favorite thing about this quilt is the cheeseburger itself, which has tiny beads for the sesame seeds and lettuce that curls over the tomato. Let's not forget those delicate little French fries, which can actually be partially pulled out of the bag (sorry Laura I absolutely could not resist touching those cute little fries and I swear my hands were clean). If Jimmy doesn't want this quilt, I'll definitely take it.

There were numerous other categories of quilts and I could go on and on, but I'll finish with the last two of my favorites, Barack 'N Roll & Kenya Celebrates the Inauguration, both by Karen Knowlton.

I love the vibrant colors and patterns of Africa and there is no shortage of them on these two quilts. Karen has surely captured the excitement and energy that I'm sure people all over the country and Kenya felt during the historical inauguration of the 44th President of the United States.

Now for the harp....While perusing the many quilts we stumbled upon musician, David Michael, who plays the harp and numerous other instruments. In an attempt to occupy my dear, sweet and amazingly patient husband, I asked him if he wanted to listen to and select a few CD's for us to purchase. My husband returned with two of the most beautiful harp CD's I've heard. David Michael's style is World-Fusion, another of my favorites. He also produces music with his wife, Dari Michael and special guests. If you're into World-Fusion or Ambient music check out his site at: http://www.purnimaproductions.com/biography.htm. We purchased Chantilly Mae and Courtship of the Moon and love both of them.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ahhh.... Robledo

As an avid wine lover and a love of different cultures I was delighted when my husband and I stumbled upon the Robledo Family Winery while on our honeymoon in Somoma, CA.

I became especially interesed in this winery for it's history. The founder, Reynaldo Robledo, Sr. came to the U.S. in 1968 and earned a mere $1.10 an hour as a migrant farm worker. He spent three decades working in several vineyards learning about vineyard managment. After purchasing a few vineyards of his own Reynaldo, his wife and nine children started producing their own award- winning estate wines.

All of the Robledo children share in the responsibilities. And, by what we've experienced from our tour of the tasting room and facilities and the newsletter & marketing it seems that each of the siblings excels in their particular area.

They offer a great discount to wine club members. My husband and I look forward to our bi-monthly shipments. My favorite is the Petite Sirah which goes well with tapas and Mexican food and the Moscato with any citrus flavored dessert to cool your palette.

We recently learned that the 2005 Los Braceros Red Blend was served at the January 12th lunch between Mexican President Felipe Calderon and U.S. President-Elect Barack Obama.

Visit: http://www.robledofamilywinery.com to learn more about their wine and the La Familia Wine Club, or if you're lucky enough to be in the Sonoma area stop by and visit Larry in the tasting room.